Hey there!
I tried to come up with some sort of graceful intro to this blog post and it wasn’t flowing, so I’m just going to dive right in today with what’s on my mind and heart. The Wildly Business Retreat.
This retreat has absolutely changed my life and my business. From the very first one, 4 years ago when I went to a hotel all by myself and did some vision setting and goal planning, to the first official Wildly Business retreat held January 2022, and the test run in between in 2021. Life/business/game changer!
The most recent Wildly Business Retreat, held in January 2022, had the biggest impact on my year this year (2022). It was at this retreat that I allowed myself to realize that I was supposed to lean into my business of Wildly You, and begin to lean out of the business that I had had for 7 years, The Paisley Pod. Without Wildly Business and the amazing community of women that were at the retreat, I would not have been able to speak that vision, goal, realization, and dream out loud. There are so so many aspects of going on a business retreat, especially Wildly Business, that are absolutely amazing and life changing, but the community that is built while there is undeniably priceless. This group of women carried me when I needed it and taken turns carrying others as they needed that support as well. I’ve said it so many times, but there’s no other way to put it, when like minded women come together in a safe space, to support, encourage, and lift each other up, it is pure magic. And that is what you will experience at the Wildly Business Retreat.
**pictured above is an exercise where we wrote things that were holding us back and/or we needed to release on rocks and then released them into a stream - this is the moment I released The Paisley Pod and other things that were holding me back personally and professionally
I can only speak for myself in the ways that this retreat has benefited me, my business, and therefore my family and my life as well, but I’ve heard it over and over again from those that have attended - it was more than they ever could have expected. And throughout this year, the changes, growth, and transitions that the women who attended the Wildly Biz retreat have experienced - it’s freaking out of this world you guys!
I know these are just words, and words can’t fully explain and show you what this experience is like. And I know that there are things holding you back from pressing the “book now” button. In fact there are three things that I have heard over and over again that are the things holding you back, so I want to recognize those things and have a little chat about them for a sec. :)
Holding you back:
“It is a lot of money to spend on me…”
I know that $1,100 is an investment, and it can often be scary to put forth a large sum of money for ourselves. So first I want you to know that you are worthy of this investment. Second, I want you to know that I don’t take it lightly that you are entrusting me with your time and money for this retreat. I have thoughtfully planned out the entire retreat with you in mind, thinking through every possible element in order to make it comfortable and wonderful for you. Now, let’s break it down -
Retreat investment includes:
A 3 night stay in a STUNNING airbnb.
ALL food, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, coffee, tea, drinks, etc. (and the best part, you don’t have to cook anything!)
Activities - such as yoga, guided meditations, hiking, guided table discussions, and all the fun of girls hanging out - impromptu dance parties, karaoke, hot tub, etc - if you know you know😉!
Workshop activities led by an Executive Coach & Mentor as well as the ability to chat one on one with the coaches.
A community of women who lean on, support, and encourage each other. This bond is strong!
Total investment: $1,100
Here is what the cost could look like if you were attending a conference or planning a retreat for yourself:
Hotel for 3 nights @ $200 a night = $600 + tax and fees
Food/drinks 3 days $100 (probably without drinks) = $300 + tax and tips
Activities $100 a day = $300 + tax and tips
Professional workshops/seminars $250 an hour (let's say 3 hours a day) = $2250
A community of women who lean on, support, and encourage one another = priceless
TOTAL: $3,450 + taxes, fees, and tips = approx $4,000
I'll say it just once more, you are worthy of investing in you and your business. This investment in you trickles down to every other aspect and relationship in your life. And instead of trying to plan something out for yourself, I've done all of that for you! You can show up and simply be.
Holding you back: “I don’t want to drive there all by myself”
Totally understand! If you’re coming from the east side of the state like myself, this is a good 5 ½ - 6 hour drive! And it’s in the winter! Now, I can’t promise that mother nature will totally work in our favor for the retreat weekend, that’s out of my control, so I choose to hope and pray for the best and control what I can control.
The cool thing is, you don’t have to drive up by yourself! There are many other awesome women attending this retreat and carpooling is TOTALLY an option! After you register, I send you a little form to fill out so that I can get to know you. On this form is also a question about carpooling and if I can share your info with the others who are attending so that you can workout a carpool situation! WIN! Not only will carpooling take away the nerves of driving on your own, but you’ll get to start the retreat before the retreat starts because you’ll be getting to know some of the other women on the way there! And that is beautiful!
Holding you back: “But I don’t know anyone else coming!”
Valid. So so so valid.
This can be intimidating and make us feel out of our comfort zones. But, the most amazing and wonderful things happen outside of our comfort zones! In fact, outside of our comfort zone is where the magic happens!
So let’s talk about this a bit. Not knowing anyone beforehand - scary, weird, brings on anxiousness, out of place, not open, uncomfortable, etc. Just some of the words that you might be feeling by not knowing anyone there. Again, totally valid feelings.
The cool thing is that once you arrive, settle in, and take a breath, you will feel it. You will feel the peace, the calm, the acceptance, the safety, the “judgment free zone”. You will feel it, trust me, you will. And the first time we gather around to talk about who we are, what our hopes for the retreat are, and our fears, you will see and hear that you aren’t alone in any of your feelings. We are all on this journey together. We might be on different roads, but we are all on the same journey, and it’s so cool to take that journey together.
I do my absolute best to create a safe, open, accepting, caring environment for you to come and be fully yourself. That’s the whole vision behind Wildly You. Living into who you are as your most authentic self, loving and accepting yourself as that person, and then discovering and growing towards your dreams. And it’s a pretty beautiful place to be if you ask me.

I know that these are just three of the things that I hear most often that are holding women back from hitting that “book now” button. And I could go on and on about how amazing the Wildly Business Retreat truly is, but I’ll save you the reading 😊 Instead, if you are contemplating if you should or shouldn’t come on this retreat, I want you to journal about it, pray about it, ask yourself what your heart is telling you, and then make the decision that is best for you. If you have other questions or just want to hear more, I’d love to answer those questions and tell you anything you want to know.
Wildly You was literally born from this business retreat. Big things happen here. Small things too. And if attending the retreat is what is best for you, I want that for you!
Ok, that’s all for now my beautiful friends! Until next time, remember how Wildly Beautiful, Wildly Talented, and Wildly Worthy you are!
Stay Wild! xoxo - Chrystal